Ongoing and Upcoming SME IPOs in India

Stay updated on Indian SME IPOs with real-time updates on ongoing and upcoming opportunities. Don't miss out on potential investments in the thriving SME sector. Access detailed overviews, analysis, and insights to make informed decisions. Maximize your investment potential with timely updates from our platform. Seize the opportunity in the dynamic SME market today.


Ongoing SME IPOs

NameBidding DatesPrice RangeIssue Size
Malpani Pipes And Fittings SME29 - 31 Jan₹85 - ₹90 per share₹25.92 crore

Upcoming SME IPOs

NameBidding DatesPrice RangeIssue Size
Rosmerta Digital Services SMETo be announced₹140 - ₹147 per share₹206.33 crore
Solar91 Cleantech SMETo be announced₹185 - ₹195 per share₹106.00 crore
Archit Nuwood Industries SMETo be announced₹257 - ₹270 per shareApprox ₹168.48 crore

Recently Closed IPOs

NameBidding DatesPrice RangeIssue Size
H.M. Electro Mech SME24 - 28 Jan₹71 - ₹75 per share₹27.74 crore
GB Logistics Commerce SME24 - 28 Jan₹95 - ₹102 per share₹25.07 crore
CLN Energy SME23 - 27 Jan₹235 - ₹250 per share₹72.30 crore
Rexpro Enterprises SME22 - 24 Jan₹145 per share₹53.65 crore
CapitalNumbers Infotech SME20 - 22 Jan₹250 - ₹263 per share₹169.37 crore
EMA Partners India SME17 - 21 Jan₹117 - ₹124 per share₹76.01 crore
Landmark Immigration Consultants SME16 - 20 Jan₹70 - ₹72 per share₹40.32 crore
Rikhav Securities SME15 - 17 Jan₹82 - ₹86 per share₹88.82 crore
Kabra Jewels SME15 - 17 Jan₹121 - ₹128 per share₹40 crore
Barflex Polyfilms SME10 - 15 Jan₹57 - ₹60 per share₹39.42 crore
Sat Kartar Shopping SME10 - 14 Jan₹77 - ₹81 per share₹33.80 crore
Delta Autocorp SME07 - 09 Jan₹123 - ₹130 per share₹54.60 crore
Avax Apparels and Ornaments SME07 - 09 Jan₹70 per share₹1.92 crore
B.R.Goyal Infrastructure SME07 - 09 Jan₹128 - ₹135 per share₹85.21 crore
Indobell Insulations SME06 - 08 Jan₹46 per share₹10.14 crore

What is an SME IPO?

An SME IPO, or Small and Medium Enterprises IPO, is a process through which small and medium-sized companies raise capital by offering their shares to the public and becoming listed on a stock exchange's SME platform.

What are the eligibility criteria for SME IPOs?

For SME IPOs in India, the company should have a post-issue paid-up capital of less than ₹25 crores, net tangible assets of at least ₹1.5 crores, a positive net worth, and a track record of profitability for at least two of the last three financial years. Additionally, 100% underwriting and three years of market making are mandatory.

What is the minimum application lot size for SME IPOs?

The minimum application lot size for SME IPOs in India is determined by the offer price of the shares. It ranges from 100 to 10,000 shares, with the minimum application amount or trading lot size not being less than ₹100,000. The specific lot size is set according to the price band of the shares being offered. For instance, if the price band is up to ₹14, the minimum lot size is 10,000 shares, and for a price band more than ₹750 up to ₹1,000, the minimum lot size is 160 shares.

How does an SME IPO differ from a Mainboard IPO?

SME IPOs are tailored for smaller companies with lower capital requirements and less extensive track records compared to Mainboard IPOs. The regulatory requirements and listing criteria for SME IPOs are generally less stringent.

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